
Education brings change

Motivated to contribute


Bangal Rind is situated at 52 Kilometres away from main town Chachro, and comprises on 246 households mostly belonging to Disadvantaged community, education situation was alarming in this area, girls education was burning issue of village, people had no accesses to quality education and were suffering from unavailability of school building and absence of teachers. Though there are two functional schools but quality of education was not satisfactory and parents were reluctant and unmotivated to send their children to schools. The children of the village were also busy in fetching water from deep wells and this was also one of the main reasons for children to remain out of the school.

Action aid-AWARE Intervention

ActionAid-AWARE established CLRC in Bangal Rind to encourage education among disadvantaged community and promote quality education, equip village with solar pump to give relief from extracting water from deep dug wells in tough demographic conditions and extreme weather, conducted community mobilization sessions and meetings to spread awareness on importance of education among community, established kitchen gardens to compensate for lack of composite nutrients and improve the health of local community and help in rising their living standards, established reflect centre for adult literacy for educating females about their rights and develop power of decision making among them to empower local community, particularly women.

Current situaon

After intervention of ActionAid-AWARE, community is sensitized on their rights and they realise importance of education. A 33 years old local resident named, Ali Ahmed has started teaching voluntarily in hut in village Bangal Rind. He shared that “I have bachelor’s degree and I didn’t realise the importance of my degree before but after intervention of Action Aid-AWARE our community realised importance of education and we felt need for school and teacher in our para(a part of the village). Initially, I started teaching my own children and later on children from my village started coming and I decided to teach children voluntarily in a hut donated by villagers of village Bangal Rind. Number of the children continued to increase and in two years period number of enrolled children has increased. Besides teaching in the school, I teach Quran to the school children in the evening. My regular teaching has resulted in the punctuality of the school Children. Parents are glad to see their children attending school daily and getting Quran education in their village” the villagers thank AWARE and action Aid for their intervention which motivated parents including me to contribute in the education of the school children”, concluded Ali Ahmed

Lesson learnt

Following are some of the main lesson learnt from the community:

  • Mobilization is oil to lubricate system at community level
  • Access to quality Education is quite questionable in remote areas
  • We have to use local Human resources for local development rather than looking for successful models out side
  • Need to promote adult literacy
  • Need to promote and encourage female in development process
  • Indicate and highlight local resource and manage their best utility for community to bring change on broader level
  • Need to encourage girls education and women empowerment
  • Encourage voluntarism among community
  • Replicate good practice among other villages to get fruitful results

Data Collected by: Miss RizwanaLaghariAuthor
Name: ZaaraRehman(MEAL OFFICER)
Action Aid-AWAREAction Aid-AWARE
