Brief Description:
AWARE believes in equity and equality. This programme is designed and implemented with rights based developed approach in which enabling environment will be created for the underprivileged people of the area to struggle for their denied rights.
The area for this programis selected 02 UCs of Tehsil Chachro District Tharparkar. The objective is to advocate on social, political, economic and cultural rights. Build liaison with different actors at local, national and international Level. Lobbying and alliance building with like-minded local, national and international organizations for achievement of social, political, economic and cultural rights.
Pursuing rights based approach in our interventions so that the people can come forward to play their role in creating just society and responsible state.
The Development Area has been initiated for next 05 years and the programme will be implemented in two UCs of Tehsil Chachro, District Tharparkar with support of Action Aid. In this respect baseline has been conducted and its findings are consolidated so that AWARE can prioritize and strategize its interventions on sound grounds. In addition to this, issues identified from the area have been included in the work plan for current year to steer the struggle ahead.
Duration: 2010- 2013 and status is ongoing Partners : Action Aid , Community & AWARE.
Partners: Community & AWARE
Location: Union Council Saranghiar and Tardos of Tehsil Chachro, District Tharparkar
Funding Source: Action Aid Pakistan