

In Thar, every third year is a drought year and a famine experiences in a decade. Over all 49% population of Tharparkar is at risk due to drought. Water scarcity in command area created an uncertainty and socioeconomic conditions of area. Due to climate change, inhabitants are vulnerable to unpredictable floods and cyclones. The area also falls in earth quake zone. Fire cases are common in monsoon season, due to gusty winds, fires turns villages into ashes.
AWARE works with relevant stakeholders, pre, during and post disaster phases. Awareness raising/early warning, relief and rehabilitation is strategy of AWARE for working with communities.



Water Aid & Sukar Foundation has aapreciated work of AWARE for working on water sector in Thar especially on cost effective desalination and defluoridation work in backward area.

Nutirtion Kits Provided by Engro Polymer

Engro Polymer has provided nutrition kits for poor people of Thar under its corporate social responsibility. These kits are for growing vegetables at household level. AWARE has installed kists in identified peoples homes (village Charnore & Tardos) in Thar.

Goats for Widows

With support for philinthropists goats will be provided to widows of village Wawri, Tehsil Chachro of Tharparkar. Gaots are being provided as a source of sustainable livelihood.

Medical Study of Flurosis effected Tharis launched on 30 March 2010

Dow Medical University Karachi and AWARE conducted a medical Study of Flurosis effected Tharis and this has been rolled out on on mrach 30 2010 at Dow Medical University Karachi. Scholars had highlight the health affects of contaminated underground water on people of Thar. Mr. Nisar Khuhro Speaker Sindh Assembly presided over the event.

More Windmills for Thar

Support for more 03 windmills has been received. Out these three windmills two will be for drinking water purposes and one for kitchen gardening and efficient irrigation system in Thar. The support has been extended by three philanthropists.

Livelihood for Poor Thari

For support of a group of poorer of poor AWARE has received an amount of Rs.50,000/= from philanthropist. The amount will be utilized for purchasing hens/chickens for a group of 10 people and also 10 nutrition kits are proposed to provide for growing vegetables in backyard of home.

Relief Activities for Fire Victims

AWARE Disaster Response Team mobilized resources for fire victims of village Charnore, Tehsil Chachro. Food items, bedding and crockery has been provided to victims. On call of AWARE handsome amount in cash has been recievd and that will be utilized for rehabilitation purposes. With support of AWARE, newspapers and TV channels reported the incident. AWARE Team also conducted assessment of damages.